Coordinates: 35.097767, 24.690643

Agia Galini Artillery Bunker

A large German artillery bunker can be found on the road leading to the village of Agia Galini, created in the excavated soft rock. This World War II relic is not only impressive due to its size, but also due to its good condition. It is noted that both the metal door and the shield of the gun are preserved. The Artillery Bunker consists of a fairly spacious, elongated hall with a vaulted ceiling, as well as a stone staircase, which leads to the escape exit located at the highest point of the rock through an arcade of more than 20 meters.

Main Bibliography


  • Bury John – Meiggs Russell, A History of Greece. To the Death of Alexander the Great, Translated by Rouli Tataki, K. N. Petropoulos, Anna Papadimitriou - Grammenou, Konstantinos Buraselis, Angelos Matthaiou, Athens 2011. 
  • Αλεξάνδρου, μτφρ. Ρούλη Τατάκη, Κ. Ν. Πετρόπουλος, Άννα Παπαδημητρίου Γραμμένου,
  • Κωνσταντίνος Μπουραζέλης, Άγγελος Ματθαίου, Αθήνα 2011.
  • Lefèvre François, Histoire Du Monde Grec Antique, Translated by Anastasia Kefala, Mina Kardamitsa, Athens 2016.
  • Καρδαμίτσα, Αθήνα 2016.
  • Antonopoulou Zeta, Τα Γλυπτά της Αθήνας: Υπαίθρια Γλυπτική 1834-2004, Athens 2003.
  • Karaiskou Vicky, Νεοελληνική Γλυπτική: Ματιές και αναγνώσεις, Athens 2011.
  • Pavlopoulos Dimitris, Ζητήματα Νεοελληνικής Γλυπτικής, Athens 1998.
  • Γλυπτά, Αθήνα 2020.
  • Pavlopoulos Dimitris, Από τον Ιερό Λόχο στον Κωνσταντίνο ΙΒ’: Νεότερα Αθηναϊκά Γλυπτά, Athens 2020.


Main Webliography



Creator: German Military
Date: Mid-20th century
Material: Rock, concrete
Location: Agia Galini Beach
Type: Fortifications
Subject: World War II
Access: Accessible all 24 hours
Not accessible to people with disabilities

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