Coordinates: 35.368833, 24.515341

Ditch of the Battle of Crete

Street view

This was a defensive location for Australian forces during the Battle of Crete and a staging point for a group of eight Australian soldiers of the 2/11th Battalion, who died on May 27th, 1941, while trying to break through the German troops. The heroic fallen were: Corporal T. Willoughby, Lance Corporal Dowset and soldiers: Brown, Elvy, Fraser, Green, McDermid, White and Proud. The ditch in which the Australian fighters sought cover is still preserved today inside the “Camping Elizabeth” holiday resort, where tourists still find shell casings in the sand, remnants of the deadly battle.

Main Bibliography


  • Bury John – Meiggs Russell, A History of Greece. To the Death of Alexander the Great, Translated by Rouli Tataki, K. N. Petropoulos, Anna Papadimitriou - Grammenou, Konstantinos Buraselis, Angelos Matthaiou, Athens 2011. 
  • Αλεξάνδρου, μτφρ. Ρούλη Τατάκη, Κ. Ν. Πετρόπουλος, Άννα Παπαδημητρίου Γραμμένου,
  • Κωνσταντίνος Μπουραζέλης, Άγγελος Ματθαίου, Αθήνα 2011.
  • Lefèvre François, Histoire Du Monde Grec Antique, Translated by Anastasia Kefala, Mina Kardamitsa, Athens 2016.
  • Καρδαμίτσα, Αθήνα 2016.
  • Antonopoulou Zeta, Τα Γλυπτά της Αθήνας: Υπαίθρια Γλυπτική 1834-2004, Athens 2003.
  • Karaiskou Vicky, Νεοελληνική Γλυπτική: Ματιές και αναγνώσεις, Athens 2011.
  • Pavlopoulos Dimitris, Ζητήματα Νεοελληνικής Γλυπτικής, Athens 1998.
  • Γλυπτά, Αθήνα 2020.
  • Pavlopoulos Dimitris, Από τον Ιερό Λόχο στον Κωνσταντίνο ΙΒ’: Νεότερα Αθηναϊκά Γλυπτά, Athens 2020.


Main Webliography


Contact phone:


Date: 1941

Location: Missiria, Camping Elizabeth

Type: Battleground

Subject: World War II

Access: Accessible all 24 hours

Accessible to people with disabilities

Contact: +302831028694

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Attraction on the map