Coordinates: 37.970390, 23.735880

Stefanos Dragoumis

The bust of Stefanos Dragoumis was created by the sculptor Natalia Mela, who is a descendant of the person depicted, since Natalia Dragoumi, daughter of Stefanos Dragoumis, and her husband, the great Macedonian fighter Pavlos Melas, were the artists grandparents. The marble bust is dedicated to the politician Stefanos Dragoumis, Prime Minister of the country in 1910, an important organiser of the Macedonian Struggle and father of Ion Dragoumis, also a politician. He is depicted at a rather advanced age, with a moustache and his typical goatee. He wears formal civilian dress with a horizontal necktie.

Main Bibliography


  • Bury John – Meiggs Russell, A History of Greece. To the Death of Alexander the Great, Translated by Rouli Tataki, K. N. Petropoulos, Anna Papadimitriou - Grammenou, Konstantinos Buraselis, Angelos Matthaiou, Athens 2011. 
  • Αλεξάνδρου, μτφρ. Ρούλη Τατάκη, Κ. Ν. Πετρόπουλος, Άννα Παπαδημητρίου Γραμμένου,
  • Κωνσταντίνος Μπουραζέλης, Άγγελος Ματθαίου, Αθήνα 2011.
  • Lefèvre François, Histoire Du Monde Grec Antique, Translated by Anastasia Kefala, Mina Kardamitsa, Athens 2016.
  • Καρδαμίτσα, Αθήνα 2016.
  • Antonopoulou Zeta, Τα Γλυπτά της Αθήνας: Υπαίθρια Γλυπτική 1834-2004, Athens 2003.
  • Karaiskou Vicky, Νεοελληνική Γλυπτική: Ματιές και αναγνώσεις, Athens 2011.
  • Pavlopoulos Dimitris, Ζητήματα Νεοελληνικής Γλυπτικής, Athens 1998.
  • Γλυπτά, Αθήνα 2020.
  • Pavlopoulos Dimitris, Από τον Ιερό Λόχο στον Κωνσταντίνο ΙΒ’: Νεότερα Αθηναϊκά Γλυπτά, Athens 2020.


Main Webliography



Creator: Natalia Mela

Material: Marble

Date: 1950

Location: Zappeion Gardens

Type: Bust

Subject: Macedonian Struggle

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