Coordinates: 35.518033, 24.015799

Firkas Fortress

Street view

The construction of the historic fortress began around the end of the 16th century by the Venetians, who were the overlords of Crete since the beginning of the 13th century. Its construction was completed around 1620, and the Fortress began to constitute a key element of Chania’s defence. It is indicative that a chain joined the Fortress and the tower of the Lighthouse at the opposite end, thus closing and securing the harbour. Its original name in Italian was “Revellino del Porto”, meaning “Bastion of the Port”; however, when the Ottoman conquered the island in 1669, its name was changed to “Firkas”, meaning “Barracks”, as it was thus used during the period of Ottoman rule. There is a variety of buildings and structures inside, such as administrative halls, war materials warehouses, dormitories for soldiers, prisons, tanks, etc. Until the middle of the 20th century, the Fortress was mainly used as a prison. A highlight of its history is the raising of the Greek flag on December 1st, 1913, during an official ceremony in the presence of King Konstantinos I and Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos, which marked the union of Crete with the Kingdom of Greece.

Main Bibliography


  • Bury John – Meiggs Russell, A History of Greece. To the Death of Alexander the Great, Translated by Rouli Tataki, K. N. Petropoulos, Anna Papadimitriou - Grammenou, Konstantinos Buraselis, Angelos Matthaiou, Athens 2011. 
  • Αλεξάνδρου, μτφρ. Ρούλη Τατάκη, Κ. Ν. Πετρόπουλος, Άννα Παπαδημητρίου Γραμμένου,
  • Κωνσταντίνος Μπουραζέλης, Άγγελος Ματθαίου, Αθήνα 2011.
  • Lefèvre François, Histoire Du Monde Grec Antique, Translated by Anastasia Kefala, Mina Kardamitsa, Athens 2016.
  • Καρδαμίτσα, Αθήνα 2016.
  • Antonopoulou Zeta, Τα Γλυπτά της Αθήνας: Υπαίθρια Γλυπτική 1834-2004, Athens 2003.
  • Karaiskou Vicky, Νεοελληνική Γλυπτική: Ματιές και αναγνώσεις, Athens 2011.
  • Pavlopoulos Dimitris, Ζητήματα Νεοελληνικής Γλυπτικής, Athens 1998.
  • Γλυπτά, Αθήνα 2020.
  • Pavlopoulos Dimitris, Από τον Ιερό Λόχο στον Κωνσταντίνο ΙΒ’: Νεότερα Αθηναϊκά Γλυπτά, Athens 2020.


Main Webliography


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Creator: Serenissima Republic of Venice
Date: 16th-17th century
Material: Mainly stone
Location: Northwestern end of the port of Chania, Kountourioti Coast
Type: Fortress
Subject: Fortifications
Access: Monday-Friday, 08:00-15:00
Not accessible to people with disabilities
Contact: +302821040095

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